Stories of Impact

PJ Bahr – Volunteer Testimony

When you meet PJ, she is a woman full of smiles and compliments and you would never know her journey into Love INC has become a God given sanctuary during a very trying time. She grew up in the Black Hills area, married, and her and her husband both worked in Law Enforcement. In June of 2020, she lost her husband unexpectedly and the grief was so paralyzing she retired in 2020. Her world was turned upside down. In this loss, she felt completely unmotivated for the first time in her life. It was as if she had also lost herself.

Through a friend and God’s perfect plan, she first began volunteering at Love INC. She began helping in the Linen Ministry, but after a short time found a fit volunteering with admin in the upstairs offices. She found a family of people that she had connected with in the past through church, speaking events, and bible studies.

As she began to get herself back out among good and loving people, she experienced a change in herself. It was like the fog had lifted, a new season was beginning, and her hope was restored. Even her grief therapist has told her of the positive impact Love INC has made in her life. “As a displaced widow, to have someone say … you are loved and you have something to offer, it was a rebirth” PJ said, “When I am here, I feel those things.”

PJ continues to be a part of our Love INC admin volunteer team on a regular basis, bringing a smile and a testimony of how community can bring healing and joy. We can certainly validate that PJ reflects the sum of our values! Yes, you are loved, you have choices, you belong, and you have something to offer here at Love INC and in the world! God is so good! Thank you, PJ, for letting Love INC be a part of your incredible journey.